Save Money
You may believe that you don't have the extra cash to spend on a consultation or feel that you don't have the money to spend on a new wardrobe. Quite the contrary, we can assist you in making the very most of your wardrobe dollars - starting with the ones you have already spent. And from there, we can show you how to get more out of the money you do spend. Ideally you want to be buying less and enjoying your purchases more and we can help.
Here are some questions to ask yourself about your clothing spending right now: Do you rush out to the mall to get something new every time a special event comes up? Do you have a closet full of clothes that you don't wear? Do you buy bargains only to have them sit unworn in your closet? Are there clothes in your closet that you don't wear because of fit, condition, or you don't have pieces that go with them?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you have already spent a little or maybe even a lot of money with little or no benefit. And that closet space is valuable too! The cost of a personal stylist is equivalent to just a few of those pieces hanging unworn in your closet right now. Wouldn't it be better to spend that money for a wardrobe you DO wear?
Save Time
Your time is invaluable. Every minute you spend in your closet searching for something to put on, or in trying on and discarding clothes is lost. What if everything in your wardrobe fits, works in multiple outfits, looks great and you feel great in it? Total simplification and time savings! And wouldn't it be great to be able to pack for a trip quickly and easily? Knowing exactly what to bring so you can spend less time packing - and packing less too!
Just try the math - If you spend 3 extra minutes trying on/taking off/figuring out what to put on every time you get dressed and multiply that by 8 times a week (work, going out, etc) and multiply that by 52 weeks the result is almost 21 hours a year right there!
Feel Great
You may not be a celebrity at a red carpet event - but people still see you every day. And what you are wearing is saying volumes about you as a person - what you do, what you are like, who you are. Are your clothes saying what you want them too?
Is the clothing hanging in your closet relevant to the life you live today? Are you dressing appropriately at big events? Is your current wardrobe holding back your career? Is your current look age appropriate? Are you stuck in a fashion time warp? Do you suspect you might be a "fashion victim" following every trend whether it is flattering or not? Or, have you opted out of fashion all together - viva la sweats? If you are fashion savvy, would you like a fresh point of view and some new ideas?
Sometimes you find yourself in a new or intimidating situation. Feeling good about how you are dressed can make it easier and make you feel more confident. Think of it as "armor". And if you find fashion itself daunting - the magazines, the stores, the salespeople, the conflicting information on "do's" and "don'ts" - we are here to guide you through!
Life is always changing, our bodies are changing, and our wardrobes need to change too. We will work with you to determine what fits you best-both literally and figuratively. Wearing clothing that fit well, flatter your body, are occasion appropriate, and reflect your personality can boost your self confidence and just feels great. Really.